Thursday, March 29, 2012

Use the power of self-discipline to unlock success

Self-discipline is the key to success in almost every aspect of life. Here are some edited excerpts of thoughts on using the power of self-discipline to achieve success from Swami Udit Chaitanya, an extremely respected and popular spiritual guru from India. Swami Chaitanya is renowned for his teachings and interpretations of the Bhagwad Gita.
Your ability to discipline yourself to set clear goals, and then to work towards them everyday , will do more to guarantee your success .
It takes considerable will power to do the “right thing ” in every situation. But the end result is the essence of increased self esteem and self worth.
Self-disciple helps you to manage your time. The fact is you cannot “save time”; you can only spend it differently. Always ask yourself: “is this the best use of my time?”
Self-discipline can improve your health. Proper diet, proper weight, proper exercise, proper rest and a proper attitude will assure you good health.
Self-discipline can help you to never worry about money. Self control throughout your life will enable you to reach all your financial goals .
No one is born with fear. Unlearn fear by practicing self-discipline over and over again.
When you accept your responsibility and take control over your thoughts and feelings, you become more and more effective, a happy and positive person in everything you do.
The difference between success and failure is not Chance but Choice.
And how does one develop self-discipline? The mantra is simple:
Choose to do first what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not!

You are complete !!!

“Within you lies the sun, the moon, the sky and all the wonders of this universe. The intelligence that created these wonders is the same force that created you. All things around you come from the same source. We are all one. 
Every being on this Earth, every object on this Earth has a 
soul. All souls flow into one, this is the Soul of the Universe. 
You see, John, when you nourish your own mind and your own spirit, you are really feeding the Soul of the Universe. When you improve yourself, you are improving the lives of all those around you. And when you have the courage to advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, you begin to draw upon the power of the universe. As I told you earlier, life gives you what you ask of it. It is always listening.”

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lead Where You Are Planted

All too often, we wait until ideal conditions appear before we show up at our best. We promise to display more initiative once we get the promotion, become a superb teammate once we get the raise and do world-class work once we receive the applause. But true leadership is about doing your absolute best under imperfect conditions. And leading where you are planted. An example.
On my last speaking tour, the final event was in Johannesburg. Post-workshop, our CEO and myself went out for a meal in Nelson Mandela Square. The sun was shining, the food was pretty good, the service was fine. But it was the awesome display of one distinct Leader Without a Title that still resonates in my mind. And that I need to tell you about.
As I walked into the washroom, I was greeted by a young man with a 1000 watt smile. His job was clearly to keep the place clean. Some would call him a janitor. But to me, he viewed himself as an inventor… innovating and iterating within his sphere of responsibility.
“Welcome to my office,” he spoke, with a sparkle in his eyes. “It’s nice to have you visit.” His uniform was impeccable. His counters were immaculate. And his manners, superb. He could have made excuses to deny his enthusiasm. Could have complained about the base position, the lack of authority, the limited power. But he didn’t.
Instead, he assumed his power-to influence all those he met, to impact others by his excellent example, and to inspire all by transcending his conditions. This young man did his work like Rembrandt painted, Beckham bends the ball, like Colombus explored.
My true point? No job is just a job, unless it’s viewed as just a job. All work is a platform to express creative potential, offer value and make a unique contribution. But we each face a choice each day as we walk out into the world: we can play a victim or we can step up to leadership. And in this messy, disrupted world we now work within, leadership at every level has become the single best way to win.

Random Insights On Exceptionalism

36 Random Insights On Exceptionalism

1. Average people are dedicated to leisure. The best people are devoted to learning.

2. The ordinary wait for the energy to do a task. The exceptional do the task because that’s how they get the energy.

3. A job is just a job if all you see it as is a job. (Work is a vehicle to promote Full Self Expression of Your Creativity+Ingenuity+Talent).

4. The most precious asset of a businessperson isn’t time. It’s energy. Manage yours well.

5. Love your family. What’s the point of getting to uber-Success yet arriving alone?

6. From a participant at my recent Lead Without a Title event in Doha, Qatar: “The true measure of the greatness of a person is the length their shadow casts on the future.” Love it! Genius.

7. Manners matter.

8. If you’re in business, you’re in show business. And every day’s a performance.

9. “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” Oscar Wilde.

10. To double your income, triple your rate of learning. The best invest in their professional and personal development.

11. The primary purpose of business is the delivery of as much unusual value to as many people as possible.

12. Use music to boost your motivation.

13. Be ethical like Buffett. Rock the house like Bono. Innovate like Edison. Serve like Mandela.

14. You dishonor yourself when you play small with your talent.

15. Ideation without execution leads to delusion. What makes Google Google is not the idea behind Google but the culture of execution that is Google.

16. Don’t work at world-class for the money or the ovations. Do it for the pride you feel on a job brilliantly done.

17. Keep a journal.

18. Spend time in solitude. The only person you’ll be with your whole life is you. Why not get to know-and like-yourself?

19. Watch “The Fighter”.

20. Work hard. Industry stands at the foundation of Mastery.

21. Remember that the quality of your practice determines the caliber of the performance.

22. Speak your truth-even when your voice shakes.

23. Leaders leave a trail of leaders behind them. If you’re not developing the best in others, you’re not leading.

24. You know you’re doing genius-level work when people start to dislike you.

25. Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to Mastery.

26. Develop your friendships. Respect your elders.

27. Make time to have fun. Life is short-enjoy the ride.

28. The bigger your dream, the more important your team.

29. If you have average people, you’ll have an average company. To have a great company, hire and coach great people.

30. Remember that your doubts are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.

31. Leadership is simple. It’s not easy. But it’s really really simple.

32. Leadership’s mostly about 3 things: Impact+Influence+Inspiration.

33. If you’re not inspiring those around you, you’re not Leading. You’re following.

34. Think for yourself.

35. “Potential unexpressed turns to pain.” From “The Leader Who Had No Title“.

36. Take brave risks. At your End, it’ll be the risks you didn’t take versus the ones you did that most fill you with regret.


I was in blues for having no branded shoes,but i wipe my tears when i saw a man without legs...this is life..thank God for what you have !!!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Success Funda !!!!

Be  a Sukhi Raam (Optimist) and not the Dukhi Raam (Pessimist) coz for any problem there will be a other way out !!!! Be happy and laugh out loud !!!

Value Counts

Simply the coin makes noise , they chatter a lot to prove their presence but in turn the NOTES remain quiet inspite of having higher price value than the former . This means when your value increases just try to remain quiet ... 

saying of Steve Jobs !!!

 “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” 

Friday, September 2, 2011

The sun shines and warms and lights us and we have no curiosity to know why this is so; but we ask the reason of all evil, of pain, and hunger, and mosquitoes and silly people.

Something in human nature causes us to start slacking off at our moment of greatest accomplishment. As you become successful, you will need a great deal of self-discipline not to lose your sense of balance, humility, and commitment.